System Adaptable to Any Type of Module and Configuration

Çepaş Gonvarri Industries' solar fixed structures are fully adaptable to project and customer needs. Factors such as different types of module sizes, orientation, string size, and angle are analyzed to ensure the most efficient design.

Optimal Structural Design for Each Project

Çepaş Gonvarri Industries' solar fixed structures determine the best technical and economical solution for each project, considering the unique characteristics of each location and layout.

A thorough analysis of the applicable codes in the project's country, combined with the use of specific software to assess environmental and soil corrosivity, ensures the highest quality standards and CAPEX optimization. Our engineering team rigorously analyzes the results of pull-out tests to evaluate the most suitable foundation for each project.

Adaptable to Any Slope

The fixed structures from Çepaş Gonvarri Industries' Solar Fixed Structures are highly adaptable to increasingly uneven ground. The design's regulatory characteristics allow for perfect adaptation to high slopes in both the N-S and E-W directions, minimizing civil work.

Reduce Assembly Time

Çepaş Gonvarri Industries' Solar Fixed Structures are designed to reduce assembly times and, consequently, lower the CAPEX of photovoltaic installations. Fewer components and greater assembly tolerance speed up the installation process. Our on-site technical advisory team provides various services to ensure the correct assembly of our structures, adhering to the strictest quality standards.


Structure configuration
Structure configuration

Single and dual-post

Structure configuration
Solar modules configuration

Landscape or portrait

Structure configuration
Supported modules/cells

Monofacial, Bifacial,
Thin-film / M10, M12 and other cells

Structure configuration
Steel Coating

HDG steel & Magnelis ® or similar
HDG 8.8 quality, Stainless Steel, ZN-N

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